Wednesday, December 16


IT'S A BOY!!!!
And his name is Daniel!
We don't have a middle name yet, but we know for sure that his first name will be Daniel.
Our friends have been so wonderful, and I can't believe how many gifts we have received. Thank you so much for your thoughfulness and generosity.
I hope Miranda doesn't shoot me for mentioning this again, but in the card she and her husband gave us, he wrote "Now you only have to worry about 1 weiner". I thought his comment was just so funny because he's have to worry about all the boys if you have a girl.
I think I am starting to get over the shock of having a boy instead of a girl. I didn't realize how convinced I had been that I was carrying a girl. I have always wanted little boys (no girls) so this is a huge answer to my prayers, but a huge shock as well.
Justin is PUMPED that our little blueberry is a boy, and he is super excited to have someone to help with yard work in a few years....hahaha!
Thank you for all of your love and support! :) We are so happy to share our news with you!

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