Monday, June 4

Bimini Bread

I brought the recipe for Bimini Bread home from a trip to Bimini last summer....and I tried again, and again, and again, and agin to duplicate it at home. 

Soon conquering the Bimini Bread recipe became an obsession!  What was grandma's trick?!  What did I miss when she was teaching me?!

Perhaps this little Doodle Bug had me a little distracted from my Bimini Bread lesson....?

I was about to throw in the dishtowel and beg Grandma to show me again, but on my 30th birthday, it rose!  I finally got it right (8 months later)

Waking at 5 am is hard, especially on the weekend, but this Saturday I was able to get my sleepy head out of bed to make some bread!

And boy, was it yummy!

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